Answered By

Ruud van der Linden

Founder and CEO

Why Did Infuse Video Join the Streaming Video Technology Alliance?

Infuse Video offers a platform that enables personalized video at OTT scale.

We joined the SVTA to build our technology in collaboration with the industry, instead of in a vacuum. Working together is the only way to change the future of streaming video and OTT and establishing best practices is an important part of that.

As a startup, we are honored to have been selected for a principal membership grant. The SVTA’s network, the Working Group discussions, and the SVTA SEGMENTS conference have all been very enlightening in gaining a deeper understanding of the industry’s needs. We look forward to continuing contributing and learning as a member.

What Do You Believe is the Biggest Technical Challenge Facing the Streaming Video Industry the SVTA Can Help Address?

The industry is facing a number of challenges currently. Revenue and profitability are down for many companies, and it’s unsure if more FAST or more paid content is the answer. It’s now more important than ever to differentiate with an excellent user experience, which won’t just be about switching to the latest codec, or offering the best possible QoE.

Creating an excellent user experience will require making a step change in viewing experience as a whole. It will be about making content more accessible, inclusive, and personalized. It will also require an ad experience that is more immersive and less obtrusive for ad-supported streaming.

This is a big logistical challenge, akin to the switch from analog to digital, because the whole value chain will have to move, taking small steps, all of them in the right direction.

The SVTA is uniquely positioned to help bring about this change, with members involved in every step of the value chain, from content production to streaming at scale on CDNs. Members work together in Working Groups to take small steps, so that best practices and standards are created that work for everyone and cover many use cases and contexts, rather than just some.

How Does an Organization Like the SVTA Bring Value to the Industry?

The SVTA is a much-needed alliance between online video (technology) companies to collaborate and accelerate the industry’s growth and interoperability.

Although the SVTA is not a standards body, it does bring together some of the biggest and most innovative companies in the industry to first ask the question “what standards do we need that don’t exist yet?”

It also promotes industry maturity by documenting and disseminating best practices, fostering unique discussions and collaborations. This brings together even competitive companies, strengthening the industry as a whole.

Ruud van der Linden

Founder and CEO


Infuse Video offers a Dynamic Video platform that lets content producers and owners automate, create, and stream video in real time, personalized to the individual viewer. The platform employs a combination of stitching and just-in-time rendering.

This allows for the creation of content that is more accessible, inclusive, and engaging. Depending on the use case, this can result in improved monetization, higher engagement, and reduced churn.

We are currently mainly active in the B2B space in healthcare, delivering video to ensure patients receive personalized direction on the medications they are taking. In this use case, we help increase medication adherence, preventing related problems. Our future plan is to take the same approach to improve other industries, changing the way all video is personalized and delivered.

Finally, Infuse Video has been selected to co-lead a project, called the Responsive Narrative Factory, in this year’s IBC Accelerator. In this project, we introduce dynamic and personalized assets. This approach is akin to how the content production and distribution industry employs the IMF standard for distribution.