Welcome To

The Streaming Video Technology Alliance

The Streaming Video Technology Alliance (SVTA) is the International Technical Association delivering solutions across the video workflow to improve the delivery of high-quality video at scale.

About us

Technical Documents. Software Code. Ratified by Members. Freely Available.

The SVTA is the International Technical Association which provides a forum for companies around the world in the streaming video industry to collaborate on improving streaming video interoperability. Network operators, service providers (CDNs), vendors, research organizations, and other technical associations collaborate in working groups to define streaming video best practices and specifications which ensure a more consistent end-user experience and promote further adoption of online video. Working group results are published as technical documents or software code and made freely available to the industry.


Participating Companies


Documents Published


Words Written


Meetings Convened


Lines of code

Jason Thibeault

Having DASH-IF operating within the SVTA will only benefit the industry. By bringing more of the significant work underneath a single banner, in this case the SVTA, we can create an even greater environment of collaboration and move the industry closer towards a less complicated, more interoperable future.

Alex Giladi
President, DASH-IF

I strongly believe that at this stage, the industry is better served by a smaller number of consortia with wide industry participation. DASH-IF is going to continue its excellent technical work under the wider umbrella of SVTA. I am looking forward to working closely with SVTA experts and expect the DASH-IF to benefit from a wider variety of perspectives they SVTA is bringing to the table.

Elad Nafshi
EVP and CNO, Comcast

The work of DASH-IF and SVTA has been critical in providing the tools, resources, specs and standards to help ensure a seamless, reliable and consistent video streaming experience for consumers across the globe. Aligning together under the same umbrella will unify and strengthen the work of both consortiums, and the industry, and create the framework for greater innovation and opportunity as entertainment consumption continues to evolve and more video is delivered in IP in the future.

Welcome DASH-IF Members to the SVTA

In a recent press release, we announced that the DASH Industry Forum (DASH-IF), the technical association for advancing the MPEG DASH format in the streaming industry, has joined the SVTA. Although the DASH-IF technical group no longer exists as a separate organization, its mission and work continue in the new SVTA DASH-IF Working Group. Previous DASH-IF members now have access to the entirety of the SVTA.

Join the Ecosystem

Over 100 Companies From Around The World

Join your streaming video industry colleagues and help define the specifications and best practices which will improve the future of streaming video.

We Are A Global Organization

As the International Technical Association for Streaming Video, our member companies are located around the world. It’s important to note, though, that the numbers below are reflective of corporate headquarters. Many of our larger member companies like Comcast, Disney, and Telefonica operate multiple offices in many different countries giving them a global presence.




South America









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October 10-Year Anniversary Member Spotlight

Yoav Gressel (SVP, Research and Development)

Why Did We Join?

Over the years, collaboration initiated by the SVTA helped reveal the value of the edge as a fundamental component of the new streaming architecture. At Qwilt, we think of this opportunity as the Open Edge. Qwilt joined the SVTA to help create and foster a growing and vibrant ecosystem that makes the Open Edge possible, enabling countless new applications to come and enrich our lives.

Read The Latest Blog

Lessons Learned From An Organizational Merger

The business world sees mergers and acquisitions everyday. That’s because it’s commonplace for companies to come together, whether through acquisition or strategic relationship, to improve market share, expand geographic reach, […]

Working Groups

Addressing challenges across the entire streaming video workflow. Click on an icon to learn more.

Upcoming Events


As a technical association, the SVTA’s Working Groups produce best practices, specifications, guidelines, and other documents that are ratified by the members and then released to the public.

What Our Members Say

As consumer demand rises for online video and more platforms, devices, and experiences enter the market, video streaming continues its rapid trajectory. Through the Alliance, we are able to engage in significant discussions about what this means for the future of our industry and how to best work together to bring optimal viewing experiences to our customers around the globe.
Paramount is excited to join the Streaming Video Alliance and collaborate with its member technology companies, programmers, and distributors to promote standards around video quality of service measurement and improved streaming efficiency that will benefit us all and our audiences.
OTT continues to be a key growth driver and we’re intently focused on delivering high-quality streaming experiences and content to our customers. As a Streaming Video Alliance member, we continue to support the Alliance mission of improved network efficiency, scalability and customer experience.
The Streaming Video Alliance plays a valuable role in evolving an online video ecosystem that is stable, scalable and capable of delivering world-class experiences to consumers. We greatly value the work of the Alliance and its commitment to convening leaders in this space to tackle challenges of global scale.
The biggest movement we see in the CDN market is exponential growth in the OTT space. Consumers today are taking control of the viewing experience. They’re deciding what to watch, when to watch it, and they expect it to be delivered at broadcast quality to any device. Working alongside Alliance members to develop best practices and industry standards will help our customers take full advantage of direct-to-consumer services.
The Streaming Video Alliance has become a critical voice in the industry, enabling organizations from across the online video ecosystem, even competitors, to come together and collaborate on architecture, specifications and best practices that allow us to navigate a rapidly evolving landscape. As founding members, Qwilt is wholeheartedly committed to the mission of the Alliance and will continue to contribute to the on-going work.

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