Networking and Transport


As online streaming video grows in popularity, increasing audience sizes will put more demands on network operators and content distributors. Massive live events and popular VOD content will require more capacity, better resiliency, and heightened operations. This content may also require potentially different delivery approaches (IP Multicast, UDP vs. TCP, and LTE broadcast) to provide the Quality of Experience (QoE) that viewers want. And such scaling must happen transparently, leveraging resources behind the scenes in a cost-effective manner. In this working group, participating members focus on solving the challenges of the best broadcast approach, event planning, and implementation of the scale required to support rapidly increasing audience sizes.


The Streaming Video Technology Alliance Networking and Transport Working Group has three objectives. First, to identify the characteristics of audience growth that would require rapid scaling; second, to establish architecture guidelines for implementing elastic capacity; and third, to compare and recommend the ideal broadcast methods for streaming to large audiences.



Document Details

Document Actions

SVTA1014: The Viability of Multicast ABR in Future Streaming Architectures


SVTA1024: 5G and the Edge Cloud for Streaming Video


SVTA1027: QUIC Tech Brief


SVTA1063: QUIC Versus TCP for Media Delivery – Testing Results and Analysis



Note that to download draft documents, you must be an employee of an active member company with an ARO account. If you are part of a member company and don’t yet have an ARO account, you can request one here.

This group does not have any draft documents.

Blog Posts

Testing QUIC Against TCP for Streaming Video Delivery: An SVTA Proof-of-Concept

We believe that, at least on paper, QUIC promises to improve the user experience when consuming high value content delivered from the CSP or CDN edge and could help cultivate additional value for consumers and revenue for content owners. CSP’s and Public CDN’s also cannot wait for QUIC to become ubiquitous in other on-line applications before deciding whether to experiment – the time to learn is “now”. Based on that hypothesis, the main purpose behind this PoC is to validate some of the assumptions related to QUIC within the context of streaming media, and to illustrate how the protocol could be leveraged in existing or new OTT platforms. Additionally, this PoC will establish best practices for organizations that are contemplating their own QUIC implementation, allowing them to assess the effort required and the overall impact of delivering a QUIC-based streaming service.

Participating and Supporting Companies

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