SVTA Projects Dashboard

SVTA Projects Dashboard

This is a dashboard representation of all the current Working Group and Committee projects. For completed projects, you should visit the more descriptive SVTA Projects page. Click on the project name to visit the project detail page.

Status Legend

Define: these projects are still being defined by the group, such as the objectives, the output, and the goals.
Reviewing: the output of these projects is currently being reviewed by the group.
Scoping: these projects are still being defined. Their project page will be updated when additional information is available and the project has moved into “working” status.
Working: these projects are actively being worked on by the working group.
Write: these projects are in the writing or production phase.

Project Name Brief Description Group or Committee Status
Architectures for Multi-CDN Switching

Multi-CDN delivery has become commonplace in scalable streaming video architectures, but switching to a different CDN in real time to improve QoE is not easy. Many server-side and client-side solutions are available to streaming operators, but there is little consensus on the best way to accomplish it. This project studies several existing and proposed solutions to this problem to understand their merits and scenarios when each can be recommended.

Players and Playback (Group) Working
Bootstrap API

How the uCDN discovers the level of Open Caching support exposed by the dCDN.

Open Caching (Group) Reviewing
Cache Management Interface

This document outlines the motivation, key use cases, and architecture for a cache management interface to facilitate integration between content providers and content delivery networks (CDNs) on one hand and open caching providers on the other.

Edge Storage (Group) Reviewing
Common Media Library

In our work across Hls.js, Dash.js and Shaka player, we have noticed common pieces of functionality that have been implemented independently, and sometimes copied and pasted, across the libraries. This is particularly true when looking at standards-based features, like ID3 parsing, 608 parsing and CMCD. Since the functionality is shared in spirit but not implementation, they can fall out of sync where certain bugs are fixed in one player but not the others. Having a common library would create a single place where these utilities can be maintained. It also creates a single place for standards groups to request and oversee feature implementation.

Players and Playback (Group) Scoping
Common Token Standards Project

Access tokens are used to grant access by a media client to media assets, once that client has been authenticated. Today every CDN has a different mechanism for structuring, naming, generating and revoking tokens. This causes problems with multi-CDN deployments, especially with load-balancing/content steering solutions. This project is an attempt to standardize an approach to CDN tokens.

Joint project with Consumer Technology Association Working
Content Steering with Open Caching

Content Steering adds powerful new tools to the video delivery ecosystem, allowing clients to make mid-playback decisions around which CDN to use. This project is focused on harmonizing the use of Content Steering in HLS and DASH with the use of Open Caching Request Routing. We are particularly focused on using Open Caching technologies to enable the Content Steering Servers to make better choices of cache node.

Open Caching (Group) Write
CTA-WAVE/SVTA Streaming Media Tracing Standards

This project focuses on the integration of distributed request tracing into the streaming video workflow and how it improves QoE for the end-user. The project has been moved to a joint standardization project in CTA-WAVE.

Joint project with Consumer Technology Association Working
eXtended Reality, Deep Dive into Emergent Technology and its Practical Value

The pace of XR innovation is relentless and CSP’s and Content Owners are feeling overwhelmed. They know that they must to something, but what. This document will attempt to clear up some of the confusion around XR technology and the “overloaded” terms that are gathered under the XR umbrella.

Immersive Video (Group) Write
Low Latency Protocols and their Effect on Latency

In the realm of streaming media, a seamless and engaging experience hinges on a critical factor: latency. We go over how latency is affected by low latency protocols.

Low Latency Streaming (Group) Write
Open Caching Testbed

This is an implementation of the Open Caching specifications in a test-bed for member companies to test and ensure their API request/response are compliant and operational with a compliant Open Caching implementation. New APIs are added as their specifications are ratified.

Open Caching (Group) Working
Open Casting

A multicast video infrastructure (such as Multicast ABR) enables the delivery of video content over IP multicast in a way such that both the end-user terminal and the content server may be unaware of the multicast delivery. Open Casting can be used in the content delivery network using multicast instead of unicast for delivery, presenting several benefits for operators, including reducing bandwidth and request loads throughout the network, and enabling in some cases the reuse of network setup for legacy IP-based television services over multicast (IPTV).

Open Caching (Group) Working
OTT Streaming CDN Security Best Practices

Streaming operators are under constant attack from those who wish to gain unauthorized access to content, steal content, or harm the streaming operator in some way. The streaming operator CDN is one of the targets for some of these attacks.

This “OTT Streaming CDN Security Best Practice” whitepaper will provide streaming operators with the information they need to appropriately secure their CDN against these attacks.

Security (Group) Write
QUIC/HTTP3 Testing and Evaluation Environment PoC

This PoC will evaluate the testing approach best suited for evaluating QUIC as a streaming video delivery pipeline and will document the how, what, and why, of creating a reproducible evaluation framework for QUIC against current HTTP/2 TCP delivery pipelines.

Networking and Transport (Group) Working
Resolving User-Experience Issues for VR/XR Content by Customizing Congestion Control Logic to the VR/XR Service and to the Network

The main goal of this PoC is to resolve user-experience issues for VR/XR content by customizing congestion control logic to the VR/XR service and to the network.

Immersive Video (Group) Working
Standardized Player Error Codes

Everyone is familiar with the difference between say a 403 vs a 404 vs a 500, yet there is not a similar lexicon for streaming. This capability gap is concerning given the Internet can be viewed as a video delivery mechanism, with streaming responsible for 82% of Internet traffic in 2022 ( Of course there are differences between streaming architectures between Publishers, but since the advent of open standards such as DASH, CMAF & Common Encryption these differences are sufficiently contained to warrant a universal error nomenclature.

Measurement/QoE (Group) Write
Streaming Video Wiki

Technical information about streaming video (standards, specs, terminology, companies, people) are scattered around the web. There is no single source. The goal is to utilize an easily accessible online format (Wiki) to collate information relevant to streaming video technology.

Industry References Committee (Group) Industry References (Committee) Working

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