SVTA Projects

SVTA Projects

Below are all the SVTA projects either underway or completed by various Streaming Video Technology Alliance working groups and committees as well as any projects created in cooperation with other organizations. Click on a project to learn more. If you aren’t a member but want to get involved, join today!

Current SVTA Projects

Players and Playback

Architectures for Multi-CDN Switching

Issues with CDNs can impact QoE at the player if a specific CDN is performing poorly but still being used…

Open Caching

Bootstrap API

How the uCDN discovers the level of Open Caching support exposed by the dCDN.

Edge Storage

Cache Management Interface

This document outlines the motivation, key use cases, and architecture for a cache management interface to facilitate integration between content…

Players and Playback

Common Media Library

In our work across Hls.js, Dash.js and Shaka player, we have noticed common pieces of functionality that have been implemented…

Open Caching

Content Steering with Open Caching

Content Steering adds powerful new tools to the video delivery ecosystem, allowing clients to make mid-playback decisions around which CDN…

Immersive Video

eXtended Reality, Deep Dive into Emergent Technology and its Practical Value

The pace of XR innovation is relentless and CSP’s and Content Owners are feeling overwhelmed. They know that they must…

Low Latency Streaming

Low Latency Protocols and their Effect on Latency

In the realm of streaming media, a seamless and engaging experience hinges on a critical factor: latency. We go over…

Open Caching

Open Caching Testbed

This is an implementation of the Open Caching specifications in a test-bed for member companies to test and ensure their…

Open Caching

Open Casting

A multicast video infrastructure (such as Multicast ABR) enables the delivery of video content over IP multicast in a way…


OTT Streaming CDN Security Best Practices

Streaming operators are under constant attack from those who wish to gain unauthorized access to content, steal content, or harm…

Networking and Transport

QUIC/HTTP3 Testing and Evaluation Environment PoC

This PoC will evaluate the testing approach best suited for evaluating QUIC as a streaming video delivery pipeline and will…

Immersive Video

Resolving User-Experience Issues for VR/XR Content by Customizing Congestion Control Logic to the VR/XR Service and to the Network

The main goal of this PoC is to resolve user-experience issues for VR/XR content by customizing congestion control logic to…


Standardized Player Error Codes

This project seeks to standardize error codes across the OTT industry, to improve streaming reliability and bring down cost to…

Industry References Committee

Streaming Video Wiki

Technical information about streaming video (standards, specs, terminology, companies, people) are scattered around the web. There is no single source.…


Common Token Standards Project

This is a joint project between the SVTA and the CTA-WAVE group for standardizing CDN tokens.


CTA-WAVE/SVTA Streaming Media Tracing Standards

This is a joint project between the SVTA and CTA-WAVE group for standardizing Streaming Media Tracing technology.

Joint SVTA Projects

Below are SVTA projects which are being accomplished jointly with another organization. Click on a project to learn more.


Common Token Standards Project

This is a joint project between the SVTA and the CTA-WAVE group for standardizing CDN tokens.


CTA-WAVE/SVTA Streaming Media Tracing Standards

This is a joint project between the SVTA and CTA-WAVE group for standardizing Streaming Media Tracing technology.

Past SVTA Projects

Below are SVTA projects completed by various Streaming Video Technology Alliance working groups and committees. Click on a project to learn more.

Networking and Transport

5G and Edge Cloud for Streaming Video

This project will produce a document which explores the use cases for 5G and Edge Compute and streaming video, how…


Ad Creative Signaling in DASH and HLS

As more distributors utilize interleaved/stitched presentation architectures for the exhibition of advertisements, a clear and interoperable signaling mechanism for the…


Best Practices for End-to-End Workflow Monitoring

Low Latency Streaming

Best Practices for Reducing Live Streaming Latency

This project will produce a document that analyzes key technologies and components throughout the streaming video workflow, assessing the potential…

Open Caching

Configuration Interface API

This project will provide a document that defines an API which can be used to deploy and manage caching configurations…

Open Caching

Configuration Interface API Version 2

This project will provide a document that defines an API which can be used to deploy and manage caching configurations…


Distributed Request Tracing

This project focuses on the integration of distributed request tracing into the streaming video workflow...


End-to-End Ad Monitoring

This proof-of-concept project is intended to demonstrate how to create a holistic view of the delivery and consumption of ads…

Immersive Video

Extended Reality Overview Paper

Open Caching

Footprint and Capabilities (FCI) API

This document will be two parts: the introduction and description of the API and the data model.

Edge Storage

Home Storage Open Caching Node

This project will produce functional and interface specifications for interoperability so that the Home Storage Open Caching Node (HS-OCN) can…

Low Latency Streaming

Measuring Latency in ABR Streaming

This project will test the recommendations made in the document, Best Practices for Reducing Live Streaming Latency, and publish the…


Metadata Landscape

The metadata ingest landscape is complex with different definitions, standards, and actors. It is challenging to get an overview when…

Open Caching

Open Caching Capacity Interface

This project will provide a document that defines an API which can be used to enable the programmatic retrieval of…

Open Caching

Open Caching Logging Specification

This specification provides a framework for communication of CDN transactional logs between Open Caching participants to satisfy billing and operational…

Open Caching Performance Measurement Specification

This project will provide a document that provides details on performance metrics available from Open Caching Nodes and the mechanism…

Open Caching

Open Caching Relayed Token Authentication

This project will provide a document that explains how URL Tokenization can be accomplished within the Open Caching framework.

Open Caching

Open Caching Request Routing Functional Specification (Version 2.0)

This project will provide an updated Request Routing Functional Specification document to address the Manifest Rewrite method.


OTT Streaming Security Checklist

This will be an end-to-end security checklist that an OTT provider, vendor and programmer can reference as they seek to…

Immersive Video

Recommendations for Mitigating Latency in Streaming VR Video Delivery Workflows

This project is a combination of PoC and document. The PoC will seek to first measure and then, through optimization…

Open Caching

Request Routing Interface

The said Recursive mode of delegation (per the CDNi terminology) necessitates an interface between the upstream request router and the…


Securing Media Players


Securing Streaming Video

This project is intended to develop a document which provides a clear picture of the available technologies and solutions to…


Streaming Advertising 101

The Streaming Advertising 101 project will create a detailed document that can be used as a comprehensive learning guide for…


Video Quality Tags (VQT)

This project will help to further improve CDN’s video streaming detection, diagnosis & optimization capabilities by publishing a set of…

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