Q3/Q4, 2020: Cyberspace Redux (October 12, 13, 14, & 15)

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  • Q3/Q4, 2020: Cyberspace Redux (October 12, 13, 14, & 15)


This meeting was held from October 12th, 2020 to October 15th, 2020.

Meeting Recap

A recap for this meeting will be posted shortly.

Keynote/Welcome Plenary

Below are links to keynote presentations given during the meeting. Other presentations, delivered as part of working group sessions, are listed in the working group topic details.

Working Group Topics and Materials

Below are topics discussed during working group sessions as well as any supporting presentation materials and recorded videos.

Advertising Working Group

Summary of the discussion topics for this session:

  • Update on work items
    • POC status and write up its progress
    • Template on metrics
    • Other discussions with DASH IF and SMPTE and DPP Adid.org and upstream of OTT on ids, CTA
    • Where we want to go with the future of POC and template
    • MHV chat and why it’s important we should take our work along
  • New work items:
    • SCTE 35 and SSAI and Invalid Traffic Avoidance
      • Discuss DAI benchmarking and how it will affect low latency

Presentation Title


Edge Storage Sub-Working Group

Summary of the discussion topics for this session:

  • Discussion of the Home Storage Open Caching Node Project

Immersive Video Study Group

Summary of the discussion topics for this session:

  • Introduction & POC update
  • Update from VR Industry Forum
  • Market update on new 8K HMDs
  • XR Whitepaper
  • Immersive Media/5G

Low Latency Streaming Working Group

Summary of the discussion topics for this session:

  • Best Practices for Reducing Live Stream Latency
  • Measuring Latency in Live ABR Streaming
  • Scaling for Live Event Distribution

Metadata Working Group

Summary of the discussion topics for this session:

  • WG Update
  • Walk-through of the Metadata Landscape Document
  • Discussion of future topics
There were no presentations by this working group at the meeting.

Measurement/QoE Section Working Group

Summary of the discussion topics for this session:

  • Working Group updates
  • Distributed Request Tracing Project
  • Video Quality Tag, CMCD, and Request Trace Integration

Networking and Transport Working Group

Summary of the discussion topics for this session:

  • 5G/Video Edge White Paper
  • RIST Technical Talk

Open Caching Working Group

Summary of the discussion topics for this session:

  • Capacity Insight API
  • Configuration API
  • Disney+ Trials Open Caching in Verizon: Case Study
  • IETF Update
  • Update on Open Caching WG specs

Players and Playback Working Group

Summary of the discussion topics for this session:

  • Possible technical topics to address in a future project
There were no presentations by this working group at the meeting.

Security Working Group

Summary of the discussion topics for this session:

  • Introduction/WG Status
  • CDSA Working Group on Player Security Effort
  • How to Trust Your Player:  Securing Content Delivery and Playback

Photo Gallery

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