Fixing the Streaming Video Ad Problems

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  • Fixing the Streaming Video Ad Problems (March)

Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 10:00am (PT)

As OTT has matured, so too have the monetization models. Making money from OTT is no longer just about subscriptions. Advertising is playing a bigger role, especially as many platforms experiment with advertising-supported offerings. But as advertisers embrace streaming, as the broadcast ad dollars begin to shift to OTT in larger amounts, numerous technical issues have been revealed. For example, how does SCTE-35 translate from broadcast to streaming? How can ad effectiveness be measured? What impact does the QoS of advertising delivery have on viewer QoE? How can ads be tailored to individual users? In this webinar, we’ll explore the technical issues and technologies associated with delivering ad experiences in streaming video.

Webinar Recording

Topics Covered

  1. What are the major technical challenges for integrating advertising into streaming video? (Amit)
  2. There has been a lot of industry talk about ad fraud in streaming videos. What is causing that and does better measurement solve the problem? (Sudhi)
  3. It would be great if there was parity between broadcast ads and streaming ads. What keeps that from happening? (Chris)
  4. There is a big push right now to provide a solution for addressable advertising in streaming video. What is addressable advertising and what are the technical hurdles to making it a reality? (Dave)
  5. Beyond addressable advertising, what are some of the advantages that streaming video can provide to the ad experience (such as interactivity) and is it even possible today? (Chris)
  6. Are there special technical considerations for delivering ads to streaming video on devices connected via variable networks (like mobile phones)? Should they be encoded differently so as not to take up as much bandwidth? (Dave)
  7. A viewer may watch a single streaming title across multiple devices. When there are ads integrated with that video, what are the technical challenges to stitching together a complete view of that viewer and that title? (Sudhi)

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Click on a panelist’s picture to visit their Streaming Video Alliance profile. Note: if their profile is not public, this will redirect to their LinkedIn profile.

Amit Shetty (Sr. Director, Product at )

No bio available.

Chris Hock (Co-founder at Infuse Video)

Chris Hock is a senior leader with a wealth of experience creating and bring new software solutions to market in both large companies and equity- and venture-backed start-ups. In his current role as Head of Business Strategy and Development at Adobe, Hock is responsible for defining and delivering solutions that drive revenue and profit growth by enabling Media and Entertainment companies to leverage data to acquire, engage and monetize high-value audiences.

Prior, Hock created the most widely deployed addressable TV advertising system in the world while at BlackArrow/Cadent and before that at Macromedia/Adobe, lead the Flash video business from inception to become the leading platform for over-the-top and IP video delivery, earning him an Emmy award in the category.

Hock holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from Michigan State University and an M.B.A. from the University of Michigan.

Dave Romrell (Distinguished Advanced Research Engineer at CommScope)

No bio available.

Sudhi Nada (Sr. Director, Product Management at Conviva)

No bio available.

Amit Shetty (Sr. Director, Product at )

No bio available.

Chris Hock (Co-founder at Infuse Video)

Chris Hock is a senior leader with a wealth of experience creating and bring new software solutions to market in both large companies and equity- and venture-backed start-ups. In his current role as Head of Business Strategy and Development at Adobe, Hock is responsible for defining and delivering solutions that drive revenue and profit growth by enabling Media and Entertainment companies to leverage data to acquire, engage and monetize high-value audiences.

Prior, Hock created the most widely deployed addressable TV advertising system in the world while at BlackArrow/Cadent and before that at Macromedia/Adobe, lead the Flash video business from inception to become the leading platform for over-the-top and IP video delivery, earning him an Emmy award in the category.

Hock holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from Michigan State University and an M.B.A. from the University of Michigan.

Dave Romrell (Distinguished Advanced Research Engineer at CommScope)

No bio available.

Sudhi Nada (Sr. Director, Product Management at Conviva)

No bio available.

Moderated by Jason Thibeault


Jason Thibeault is the Chief Executive Officer of the Streaming Video Technology Alliance, the international association of companies collaborating to solve critical challenges in delivering a better streaming video experience and increasing adoption. Prior to this role, Jason spent eight years at Limelight Networks, a leading CDN, where he held several roles including product manager and marketing strategist. Jason is an inventor on multiple technical patents in the streaming industry and a proven entrepreneur. He is also a contributing editor to Streaming Media Magazine.

About the Streaming Video Technology Alliance

The Streaming Video Technology Alliance is the international technical association addressing critical challenges in streaming video. By educating the industry on the technical nature of the issues, providing a neutral forum for collaboration across the video ecosystem, and publishing documentation that defines technical solutions, the SVTA is helping to improve the streaming video experience at scale. Over 100 companies including network operators, content rights holders, OTT platforms, service providers, and technology vendors – representing some of the biggest names in global streaming – participate in bi-weekly working group activities and quarterly face-to-face meetings.

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